Sunday, January 16, 2011


New York City Subway station, Times Square, Jan. 2011. New signage post-2010 service cutbacks. My favorite subway sign in years. Also, meaningless. It cries out for repurposing: it would be a marvelously meta symbol for "queer."


  1. would it? what is the working P.C. definition of 'queer' these days? this seems to imply 'going both ways,' which a few 'queer' friends of mine certainly do not subscribe to.

    funny, though. :)

  2. I dunno! My generation flirted with "queer" as a more inclusive word than "gay" in the early 1990s before that dreadful acronym LGBT was dreamt up. There was an activist group called "Queer Nation" that had its moment. But it sorta fell out of favor. I guess the vibe I get is that people who like that word now are into a more polymorphous interpretation of sexuality. But you're probably more in tune with what "the kids" are saying these days! :)

  3. i dunno. i tend to walk on eggshells about this sort of stuff. it's like if everyone assumed i knew about medicine because i'm going for a 'doctorate'. (people actually do that).

  4. To me 'queer' means odd and it has nothing to do with being gay. Is that queer of me to think like that?
