Monday, August 01, 2011

Neville Chamberlain Announces Bipartisan Deal on Peace

Here's the video footage of the quote I posted the other day. Below, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler modestly notes his commitment to compromise.

Oh wait, is that the right photo? No matter, same difference. And this shameful appeasement of teabagger extremists will have the same result on preserving the economy of American working people as Neville Chamberlain's appeasement had on peace. Have you ever seen jowls McConnell smile like that before?

Fascinatingly, only half of the Democratic members of the House voted for this travesty today: the bill belongs to the President and his new Republican allies.


  1. Like I suggested on a facebook thread...this bad solution to the debt crisis is taking us down the road of dismantling the middle class. We will soon be a nation of haves and have-nots -- nothing in between. I hope I'm wrong.

  2. That seems like a real danger, Todd.
    Compromises that work can be painful but worth it. Sadly that wasn't what this was.

    (thanks for stopping by here!)

  3. We keep giving new names to the 'haves' - now they are called the 'job creators', next year they will be called 'savior'.

    The rest are 'those that don't matter'.

  4. God Annie I hate that phrase "job creators." It's like how Jowls McConnell calls anything he doesn't like "job-killing" except for the things he supports that are actually killing jobs.

  5. I know I do too... but they keep saying we can't raise the taxes on the rich they are the 'job creators'. OK...then let's point out: (1) taxes haven't been raised on the rich and (2) they still haven't been creating any jobs.

    I guess the 'job creators' aren't doing their jobs, so let's tax the SOB's and maybe it will incentivefy them...

  6. Here is a good story from AJE:

  7. They never show footage of protests like that on American TV!!! It's enough to make you believe in conspiracies. Great link Annie. (Though I will be a snot and wonder about the plight of poor people in Qatar!)

  8. I think it is perfectly acceptable to be concerned about poor people everywhere.

  9. I just finished watching that clip. I loved the scene of workers cleaning up after the Harvard ceremonies... sorta devastating and brilliant. I'm passing this one on.

    Good night Annie!
